yall need to go here and watch this one hour

Y'all need to go here and watch this one-hour trailer for the documentary, “Please Vote For Me”.  A 3rd grade class in Wuhan, China participate in a “free and fair election” for Class Monitor.  Under the influence of their parents and teachers, they lie, cheat, shame, wheel, deal, horse-trade, and outright bribe for votes.  Every possible way that democracy can go wrong, does go wrong - and pretty much everybody seems OK with it.

You can watch all of it online, for free.  Seriously.  Watch it now, or at least bookmark it for later. Uh, sorry folks.  I thought it was the whole thing, but it’s just the trailer.  Anyway, that should give you enough of a taste to go rent the thing.  As of last night, it was a “Watch Now” selection on Netflix!

The Sea Hates a Coward