The Charles Williams Library
So, last year my big dumb personal project was Dumb Cuneiform, which I’m actually still running. This year, I moved forward to another outdated technology of literature: paper books.
We’re republishing the best-loved work of Charles Williams - his novels.
You may not know Charles Williams - 20th c. British, ‘Inkling’, friend to CS Lewis & Tolkien, wrote novels, poetry, criticism. But his work is great and weird, and I’m a big fan.
But one hindrance to his reputation: embarrassing printings of his work! For too long, Williams has been only available in budget-level paperbacks. We’re rectifying this with high-quality, hardbound editions. These are modern, hardback editions of Williams’ most compelling, accessible writing - in handsome editions worth collecting and sharing.
I’m really pleased with these: they are the versions I always wanted to exist, that I wanted to give to others.
And now they’re real! And they’re available now for order:
Oh, and PS: This is a no-profit setup: we’re using the proceeds from the first book to fund the printing of the next, and so on. SO, if you’re interested in this set existing: buy it now! You can’t wait until all 7 novels are printed, because we may not get there if there’s not sufficient interest.