Mai Lee - Marquis

Way back in January of this year, creative director Sean Kirkland asked me to design some tarot cards. For a music video. Right? Not my usual oeuvre, of course, but how could I say no?

Mai Lee 1

Mai Lee 2

This was really fun. I’ve never designed anything for camera before, so it was interesting to get coached on how not-subtle these need to be in order to read correctly in the few seconds they’re visible on the screen. Plus, the Tarot deck is a fun schema to work with, and Sean and I mapped out some imagery that combines the lyrics of the song with the traditional tarot icons.

Mai Lee 3

Mai Lee 4

Mai Lee 5

The full video is really cool, especially hearing a bit about all the set dressing and planning it takes to pull a video like this off.

The Sea Hates a Coward